Tamil (Sri Lanka)English (United Kingdom)
ඔබ මෙතනයි:  මුල්පිටුව

ලේඛනාගාරය භාරයේ පවතින ලේඛන

ලේඛන අංකය අදාළ අවුරුද්ද මූලපදය
වාර්තා කාණ්ඩය ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීමට හේතුව අදාළ අවුරුද්ද
1 Records of the Dutch Administration 1640-1796
2 Records of the Executive Council 1802-1931
3 Records of the Legislative Council 1833-1924
4 Despatches from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor 1801-1948
4.1 Letters Patent, Royal Instruction and some miscellaneous papers 1798-1931
5 Despatches from the Governor to the Secretary of State for the Colonies 1798-1948
6 Letters from various Departments and Individuals to the Chief Secretary
6 Letters from various Departments and Individuals to the Chief Secretary Inward 1805-1897
6 Letters from various Departments and Individuals to the Chief Secretary Inward and Outward 1898-1947
7 Letters from the Chief Secretary to various Departments and Individuals outward 1795-1889
8 Inward Correspondence of the Chief Secretary weeded series 1815-1853
9 Registers and Indexes of Correspondence 1898-1933
9 Registers and Indexes of Correspondence Registers 1840-1950
9 Registers and Indexes of Correspondence Index Cards 1934-1947
10 Miscellaneous Collection and Cases on Special subjects 1767-1872
කතුහිමිකම © 2024 ජාතික ලේඛනාරක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව.
නිර්මාණය හා සංවර්ධනය : Pooranee Inspirations (Pvt) Ltd.
යාවත්කාලීනය : 16-04-2024.